Kristin Ziemke
Teach This Now: The Evolution of Literacy in a Digital Age
What does literacy look like today? How do devices influence instruction? What do students need to know to access information? This session will explore the latest research on digital literacy from OECD, IB, National Council of Teachers of English, the International Literacy Association, the Australian Literacy Educators Association, Scholastic, and more! We’ll identify structures, strategies, and student outcomes for literacy today. We’ll explore literacy practices that transfer between print and digital environments and new strategies to add to our repertoire. Attendees will leave with seven digital literacy instructional strategies they can immediately try with students.
We Are All Artists: Stories, Students and YOU
Pulling on inspiration from famous artists, this workshop explores the intersection of art+tech+story+YOU. Believing that we are all artists, attendees will learn to recognize their talent and align it to their teaching. Each artist has a story, as does every student, educator, and caregiver who enters a school community. We can learn through each individual’s story and use those stories to see, hear, and understand our students. Attendees will learn strategies for using technology to amplify student stories through classroom conversations, digital media, the arts, and more! Join us as we empower all to author their own story.